
Endorsements for Daniel Revisited – – –

Seldom have I come across a piece of literature that opened up an entirely new understanding for me of Scriptural truth regarding the book of Daniel and chapter six of Revelation and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as has author Mark Davidsonʼs book Daniel Revisited.  He proves biblically, how Daniel 2:40, and chapters 7, 8, and 12 represent a soon coming Islamic Caliphate and Islamic Antichrist instead of a Revived and Revised Roman Empire with a European Antichrist as is taught today.

Anyone seeking truth regarding the Middle East and end-time events, must read Markʼs book; it is a ground breaker.

Dr. William L. “Sonny” Payne, founder and President of New Gate Ministries, author of The DNA of Jesus Christ and host of the international television program Jerusalem Chronicles


Some books provide great entertainment, others great education, but quite frankly, the God of the Bible spoke when I read Mark Davidson’s Daniel Revisited. On the deepest personal level, things that I had an inkling about for more than two decades were at long last confirmed! Even the most Berean student of Bible prophecy looked at me funny when I dared to suggest that Daniel chapters 7 and 8, for example, may be entirely future. I vividly remember saying to friends back in 2000, “I have no idea why Saddam Hussein is still in power. God must have another part for him to play.” Davidson answers that plainly and scripturally in this book; I felt Jesus was speaking directly to ME. Something as rudimentary as “unsealing” jumps off the page when you finally “see” that the book of Daniel has been Sealed and will be broken just as the scroll that is Sealed and broken in Revelation 6. Building on the Scriptural foundation laid out by teachers like Joel Richardson and Walid Shoebat, Daniel Revisited peels back the onion to reveal that not only is the Tribulation not imminent, but there are several signs that will occur before! Such is the great value in reading this book; it doesn’t end when the pages do, but it is ongoing at foursignposts.com. Even today as we see the Islamic State encompassing the kingdom of ancient Babylon, the Persians of Iran are about to make their move. Don’t be left in the dark and DON’T KEEP IT TO YOURSELF. Even if Daniel Revisited blows away every paradigm you hold dear, let the Holy Spirit teach you as He did me. Time is short.

Christopher Mantei, Managing Director, WingsOfTheEagle.com, and Northeast Region Community Voice, Voice of the Martyrs


“Throughout the body of Christ, many students and teachers of the end times are awakening to the solidly Scriptural basis for the Islamic antichrist theory.  Daniel Revisited, which develops this interpretation of the end times, will no doubt greatly add to the growing understanding of the Church as the Day of the LORD draws near.  Mark Davidson, who I have come to know and exchange ideas with over the years, is a humble and careful student of both the Scriptures and history whose work must now be considered by everyone who seeks to understand the days ahead.”

Joel Richardson, New York Times bestselling author of Islamic Antichrist and Mideast Beast, co-author of God’s War on Terror, internationally recognized speaker and activist