When the Missiles Flew, Did You Ask the Right Question?

Two friends called me during the time of the Iran-Israel missile exchange last month. They are watchmen of the Signposts with us, and each of them asked me the same question. It dawned on me that, in view of the sea of talk and questions regarding the attack, these two brothers were really asking the right question. They were asking the question from the point of view of one who knows the Four Signposts.

So, what were you asking yourself when you saw the missiles flying between Iran and Israel? Admittedly, this is a little test, and I hope you don’t mind.

The Missiles Flew

About a month ago, Iran and its proxies attacked Israeli territory with about 300 missiles and drones. Roughly 99 percent of them were shot down, being intercepted in the air. A couple days later, Israel responded with a limited missile attack that precisely took out anti-missile batteries on the ground surrounding Iran’s main nuclear facility at Natanz.

That exchange of attacks was the first time ever that Iran directly struck Israel, and the first time ever that Israel directly struck Iran.

Many Questions

Many people were asking all kinds of questions about this. Some asked, “Is this the start of World War 3?” Two ministers who have their own TV programs went so far as to say this attack is a sign that the Gog-Magog War has started, since Persia is listed among the nations that attack Israel in Ezekiel 38:5. This, of course, is not the case because Ezekiel 38:5 goes on to say Persia will be with the armies of Gog (Antichrist) when attacking Israel, and so the time is plainly not yet. But if one does not know the Signposts, one might grapple with what just happened and resort to calling it the start of the Gog-Magog War.

Awareness of the Signposts

My sincere wish is that as many Christians as possible would be aware of the Four Signposts, so that they witness the amazement of prophetic Scripture being fulfilled in detail, when the Second Signpost occurs. My wish is they do this so that when the great Iranian invasion occurs, and the whole world is panicking, those who know that event is a fulfillment of Scripture will be assured that it is all God’s will, pre-ordained in His Word, and that they can go on to be a source of comfort for their brothers and sisters, and continue to witness the Gospel. In a way, knowledge of the Signposts as they occur would only strengthen our resolve to witness since we will see, without confusion, the signs preceding the coming of our Savior. The time we all have left will plainly be shorter.

The Right Question

So what did my two friends ask me? They asked, “Is the Second Signpost beginning now (in the next day or two), or do we still have time (e.g. weeks, months, or years) before it begins?” Those two brothers asked the right question. My hope is you asked the same question. That means you know the Signposts.

The answer would then be known as the attack unfolded. Would it escalate, or end? As it turns out, we still have some time; yet more time to prepare ourselves, praise God.

The question is indicative of where we are at on the prophecy timetable. We are waiting for the Second Signpost to begin. Many of us have waited for years. Every time something significant occurs in regards to a move by Iran, people here who know the Signposts have asked the question. “Is it starting now, or do we still have time?”

Dear brothers and sisters keep watching. Prepare yourselves. We are getting closer.

Categories: Signpost #2: Iran, teaching, The Four Signposts

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3 replies

  1. The key takeaway is that Iran’s ballistic missiles got through Israel’s missile defense system and landed on target. They may not have had the precision of the American missiles hitting Russian targets in Ukraine, but if there happened to be nuclear warheads, they would have been fine.

    In fact, the Patriot system did so poorly, like in Ukraine, that Israel is getting rid of it.

    Will a future missile land inadvertently on the Temple Mount? Or during the next attack will Israel take the opportunity to blow up the Temple Mount and blame it on an Iranian missile?

  2. Stu,
    There are other “key takeaways” as well. For instance, Israel showed Iran that in a missile exchange Israel could do much more damage to Iran than Iran could do to Israel. Even if Iran used a nuke missile or two out of 300, the chance it would get through out of a 99% kill rate makes it unlikely.
    I think what it showed Iran is the only way to attack Israel is an all-out attack of everything the IRGC and its proxies have with nothing held back, in executing the Second Signpost, and the Psalm 83 war.

  3. more then 10 missiles broke through, as evidenced by many videos, but it’s in the USA interest, and Israels interest to keep the thought out there that either God stopped the missiles, or that the iron dome was unstoppable.

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