IRGC Moving Tanks and APCs in Khuzestan

There are possible signs that the IRGC is moving military hardware in Khuzestan. (As a reminder, Khuzestan contains Susa, and is the southwestern province of Iran from which the invasion will be launched according to Daniel 8:2–4, as written about in Daniel Revisited chapter 10.)

The video clip linked here was sent to me by one of our readers. The Twitter/X video shows flatbed trucks carrying Iranian T-72 tanks and Howeizah/Hoveyzeh Armored Personnel Carriers (APVs), supposedly on a highway in Khuzestan. (The tanks appear at times 0:01, 0:13, 0:19, 0:26, and the APCs appear at times 0:03, 0:04, 0:09, 0:21, 0:24.)

Iranian T-72 Tank.

The Soviet-era T-72 tank is a mainstay of the IRGC’s tank forces. The Howeizah, as far as I know, are domestically made APVs that carry five soldiers.

Iranian Howeizah APC.

The great bulk of the invasion force for the Second Signpost will likely be militants on motorcycle as was posited in this post. The Iranian-trained Hamas militants used motorcycles for their attack on southern Israel.

However, tanks and APVs are likely needed to come up against certain targets and forces.

The timing of this video is interesting. I’ve believed since September we were about one year from the beginning of the Second Signpost. Hamas, one of the IRGC’s minions, ran a test of the Psalm 83 war which is to run in parallel with the Iran’s Second Signpost invasion, which in turn is apparently being set up in Khuzestan right now.

Keep watch. You all may be witnessing the Second Signpost very soon.

Get prepared. Test your hearts, pull down any idols, and dwell in the shelter of the Most High as Psalm 91:1 says.

Categories: In The News, Signpost #2: Iran

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5 replies

  1. Well after cruise missiles were fired from Yemen towards Israel on Thursday, something indeed seems coordinated from these proxies

  2. It goes without saying that this conflict overshadows every event that has occurred in my lifetime (I’m 65) and prior back to the Holocaust. With its forward position in Hamas wiped out of existence, surely Iran will be compelled to unleash Hell. No doubt the demise of Hamas was expected… planned. That cohort are being placed on the altar as a burnt offering (figuratively speaking) in order to manufacture and justify the next course of action. The imminent fulfilment of Isaiah 17 will be the final trigger to spark the invasion of Israel by the Psalm 83 enemies of the Jewish people.
    Buckle up. It’s about to get serious… on a Biblical scale!!!

  3. It was reported yesterday that the US carried out airstrikes against Iranian proxy forces in Syria. Definitely an escalation of tensions in the area. Seems like we’re diving head first into this next global war.

  4. All due respect… and much is given to Mark Davidson… I truly believe the ribs are not directions but Iran’s proxies, and the carnage they represent. Arise devour eat much flesh, a prelude to the ram running out. Yes, and Saudi Arabia will broker the “peace deal” that will be broken 3 1/2 years in.

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