The Season to Proclaim the Signpost Message

God saw fit to allow me to see the interpretation of the Four Signposts just before the First Signpost happened, way back in February 2003.

Driven by the responsibility to warn the Church, I then spent years researching Scripture and world history to write Daniel Revisited, Chronicles of the End Times, and lastly Hidden Babylon.

At first it bothered me that out of a worldwide church of some 2 billion people, only a few hundred at first, then a few thousand, and now perhaps ten thousand Christians, know the Signposts. It took a few years for me to realize God meant it to be this way, and so I am at peace with this.

The Signpost message has been here for years open to those Christians who, allowed by God, were seeking and found answers as to what is going on in these end times and what is God’s plan.

At some point though, as we get closer to the Second Signpost actually happening, more people will be receptive to the message.

And so it was this past October I received a prompting from the Spirit saying, “We have entered the season in which the message is to be proclaimed.” Having no idea what that entailed exactly, I was going to watch for the Lord’s leading.

In December, I woke up one morning realizing, “I have to do videos!” But I had no idea how to. A couple days later a brother called out of the blue—who I hadn’t spoken with in two years—and told me we have to do videos! I took that as confirmation. It was after that I soon found myself helped by three brothers who knew how to make and post videos.

Therefore, I will be making videos! This makes sense, since it seems most people have switched from reading books to watching videos. This will also enable all of you, fellow watchmen on the wall, to tell all your friends, pastors, and family about them.

They will be posted to “The Four Signposts” channel on YouTube.

I will continue to make posts on world events, as well as video teachings from my books for as long as I am allowed.

Finally, my thanks go to the three brothers in Christ who are my video coaches. In Jesus’ name I pray God bless and protect them and their families, and that they all reap a great harvest. Amen!

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