YouTube Video Summarizes Hidden Babylon Message

A friend and follower of the Four Signpost message read my book Hidden Babylon and God’s Last Warning, and has posted a video about it on YouTube.

A fan of a certain blockbuster movie from the late 1990’s, he adapted the script of one scene to the message of Hidden Babylon.

Thanks go to BillyBow Aguirre for the video. I hope you enjoy it, and hit like if you do.

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3 replies

  1. The USA is Babylon! Read “Satan as Barack Obama” by Stephen Kirk

  2. JK –
    There is a great tragedy associated with all these assertions that Babylon the Great is this or that nation, this or that city, or this or that religion.
    The tragedy is that the meaning of that final exhortation which we need to understand, “Come out of her, my people,” is missed!
    Those that assert that Babylon the Great is Rome or NYC or USA or Islam, are unwittingly not getting at the root of the problem that all of us – ALL OF US – are subject to deception in that we are NOT reminded by Rev. 18:4, that an idol(s) may be higher in our heart than Christ Himself, that a ritual or doctrine or whatever somehow makes us more righteous than others, and saves us, rather than simple faith in Christ put into action by obeying and loving Christ and our neighbor.
    In addition, people who teach Babylon the Great is one religion or city or country, unwittingly risk only telling people they are worshiping the wrong idol. If a person is worshiping an idol rather than Christ, one idol is simply replaced with another. We need to test our hearts, and be sensitive to letting the Holy Spirit show us that an idol is higher in our hearts than Christ! That’s what “Come out of her” means.
    May God bless all of us in our pursuit of the truth.

  3. JK,
    On a second note, I believe I remember seeing that concept of Satan as Barack Obama. It is based on an absurd misreading of Luke 10, thinking that a Greek word is actually speaking of someone’s name in English. Then an entire interpretation is built on this foundation of mere coincidence. I realize this may sound harsh, but going down this path will lead to a cul-de-sac.
    On the other hand, the case presented in Daniel Revisited shows that Scripture in Daniel 2:40 and Daniel 9:26 conspires with history to show that the Antichrist can be none other than a Syrian Arab Muslim. There are several data points on which to base that interpretation.

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